On-line articles


Proceedings of MAICS 2012: A two-tiered view on acceptance.

On-line contributions

  1. Proust, J. (2018). Métacognition.  Encyclopaedia UniversalisPdf 
  2. Proust, J. (2018),  http://imperfectcognitions.blogspot.fr :   Metacognitive Diversity, an introduction.
  3. Proust, J. (2018). Answers to five questions of Istvan Zárdai about action theory:  https://www.philosophyofaction.com/17-joelle-proust-institute-jean-nicod-institut-jean-nicod-ecole-normale-superieure-paris   PDF 
  4. Proust, J. (2016).Interview by Richard Marshall in 3AMmagazine  http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/metacognition/
  5. Proust, J. (2015). The representational structure of feelings. in T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (eds.),  OpenMind, Frankfurt am Main:  Pdf.  The whole collection: www.open-mind.net.
  6.  Proust, J.  (2013) Reply to Peter Carruthers:  Knowledge of our own thoughts is just as interpretive as knowledge of the thoughts of others. Pdf
  7. Proust, J.  (2004) Simulation: a deflationary proposal, on-line workshop on mirror neurons, reply to Gallese, November 2004: http://www.interdisciplines.org/
  8.  Proust, J.  (2003) Review of Consciousness and Language, by John R. Searle, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, April 2003