Articles (sélection)

Philosophy of Mind: Metacognition, emotion and agency, animal cognition

  1. Proust, J. (2023), Evolutionary Linguistic Theory, Informational communication and metacognition.ELT PROUST evol of mc
  2. Proust, J.  (2023), Evolutionary Linguistic Theory, Editor’s introduction: What can metacognition teach us about the evolution of communication? ELT INTRODUCTION Proust
  3. Proust, J.   (2024) Affordances from a control viewpoint,  in Mind in Action: Expanding the concept of affordance; Guest edited by P. Lopez Silva and M. Jorba in Philosophical Psychology, Volume 37,  pp.1590-1614.  Affordances 
  4. Goupil, L. & Proust, J.  (2023), Curiosity as a metacognitive feeling. Cognition. 231, 105325 Goupil Proust 2023 
  5.  Proust, J. (2022). The Cultural Evolution of Information Seeking. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 22, 467-484.  JOCC Proust
  6. Proust, J. (2019). From comparative studies to interdisciplinary research on metacognition. Animal Cognition and Behavior, 6, 4, 309-328. AB_C_2019_Vol6(4)_Proust
  7. Proust, J. (2016). The evolution of communication and metacommunication in primates. Mind and Language, 31, 2, 177-203.  Proust-2016-Mind_&_Lg
  8. Proust, J. (2015). The representational structure of feelings. in T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (eds.),  OpenMind, Frankfurt am Main:  pdf. The whole collection:
  9. Proust, J. (2015). Time and action: Impulsivity, habit, strategy? In The Review of Philosophy and Psychology.ISSN 1878-5158, doi:10.1007/s13164-014-0224-1.  pdf
  10. Proust, J. (2014). Précis of Philosophy of Metacognition. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 89, 3, 703-709. DOI: 10.1111/phpr.12152.pdf
  11. Proust, J. (2014). Replies to Langland-Hassan, Nagel and Smith. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 89, 3,  736-755. DOI: 10.1111/phpr.12151 pdf
  12. Proust, J. (2014). Epistemic action, extended knowledge and metacognition, in O. Palermos, J. Kallestrup & D. Pritchard (eds.), Philosophical Issues, Vol. 24, No. 1, 364-392. pdf
  13. Proust, J. (2012). The norms of acceptance. In B. Roeber and E. Villanueva (eds.), Action theory, Philosophical Issues, Vol. 22,   316-333.
  14. Proust, J. (2012).La sociologie peut-elle ignorer la phylogenèse de l’esprit? SociologieS, Revue en ligne.
  15. Proust, J. (2011). Cognitive Enhancement, Human Evolution and Bioethics, 2011, Journal international de bioéthique,  vol. 23, n° 3-4, 149-169.
  16. Proust, J. (2010). Metacognition. Philosophy Compass, 2010, 5, 11, 989-998.
  17. Proust, J. (2009). Overlooking metacognitive feelings, Behavior and Brain Sciences,2009, 32,1, 158-9.
  18. Proust, J. (2009). On Indicative Conditionals and Rationality in the Wason Task, Psyche, 15, 1, 132-6.
  19. Proust, J. (2008). Epistemic agency and metacognition: an externalist view, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,  CVIII, 3, 241-268.
  20. Proust, J. (2008). La métacognition comme contrôle de soi. Psychiatrie, Sciences Humaines, Neurosciences, 6, 1, 31-37.
  21. Proust, J. (2008). Précis et réponse à la disputatio, sur la Nature de la Volonté (2005),  Philosophiques, 35, 8, 2008, 109-117.
  22. Proust, J. (2007). Metacognition and metarepresentation : is a self-directed theory of mind a precondition for metacognition ? Synthese, 2007, 2, 271-295.
  23. Proust, J. (2007). Le langage forme-t-il une condition nécesssaire de la rationalité? Dialogue, 46, 1, 165-172.
  24. Proust, J. (2006). Why evolution has to matter to cognitive psychology and to philosophy of mindBiological Theory,  1, 4, 349-351.
  25. Proust, J. (2003). Does metacognition necessarily involve metarepresentation? Behavior and Brain Sciences, 2003, 26, 3 : 352.
  26. Proust, J. (2003). Thinking of oneself as the sameConsciousness and Cognition, 2003, 12, 4, 495-509.
  27. Proust, J. (2002). A critical review of G.Lynn Stephens & G. Graham’s When self-consciousness breaksPhilosophical Psychology, vol. 15, 4, 2002, 543-550.
  28. Proust, J. (2001). A plea for mental actsSynthese, 2001, 129, 105-128.
  29. Proust, J. (2000). L’animal intentionnel, (2000), Terrains, 34, 23-3.
  30. Proust, J. (2000). Les conditions de la connaissance de soi, (2000), Philosophiques, 27, 1, 161-186. Pdf
  31. Proust, J. (2000). La cognition animale et l’éthique,  Le Débat, 108, 175-183.
  32. Proust, J. (2000).Can non-human primates read minds?Philosophical Topics, 27, 1, 203-232.
  33. Indexes for action, in Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Neurosciences, 1999, 3, 321-345.
  34. Proust, J. (1999). Mind, space and objectivity in non-human animalsErkenntnis, 51, 1, 41-58.
  35. Proust, J. (1996). Identité personnelle et pathologie de l’action, in  I. Joseph et J. Proust (dirs.), La Folie dans la Place,  Pathologies de l’interaction,  Raisons Pratiques,  7,  155-176.
  36. Proust, J. (1995) Intentionality and evolutionBehavioural Processes, 35, 1-3, 1995, pp. 275-286.

Developmental Psychology: metacognition in children,

  1. Goupil, L. & Proust, J. (to appear in 2023), Curiosity as a metacognitive feeling. Cognition. Goupil & Proust 2023 
  2. Kim, S.  Senju, A., Sodian, B, Paulus, M., Itakura, S.,Okuno, A., Ueno, M. & Proust, J. (2022) « Memory Monitoring and Control in Japanese and German Preschoolers »,  Memory and Cognition.
  3. Kim, S., Le Guen, O., Sodian, B., Proust, J. (2021) « Are children sensitive to what they know? An insight fromYucatec Mayan children, Journal of Cognition and Culture, 21, 226-242.Are children sensitive to what they know?pdf 
  4. Kim, S.,  Sodian, B., Paulus, M., Senju, A., Okuno, A.,  Ueno, M., Itakura, S. & Proust, J. ( 2020). Metacognition and Mindreading in young children, a cross-cultural study, Consciousness and Cognition, 85, 103017
  5. Kim, S.,  Sodian, B., Proust, J. ( 2020). 12- and 24-Month-Old Infants’ Search Behavior Under Informational Uncertainty.  Frontiers in Psychology. Open download at:
  6. Kim, S., Paulus, M., Sodian, B., Proust, J.  (2020).  Children’s Prior Experiences of their Successes and Failures Modulate Belief Alignment. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. PDF 
  7. Kim, S., Paulus, M., Sodian, B., Itakura, S., Ueno, M., Senju, A.  & Proust, J. (2018) Selective Learning and Teaching among Japanese and German Children. Developmental Psychology.  Pre-proof version:Dev_Psych_Final_08252017 
  8. Kim, S., Paulus, M., Sodian, B., & Proust, J. (2016). Young Children’s Sensitivity to Their Own Ignorance in Informing Others. PloS one11(3), e0152595. PLOS ONE: Informing Others
  9. Bernard, S., Proust, J., & Clément, F. (2015). Procedural Metacognition and False Belief Understanding in 3-to 5-Year-Old Children. PloS one10(10), e0141321.  Procedural Metacognition and False Belief Understanding in 3- to 5-Year-Old Children
  10. Bernard, S., Proust, J. Clément, F.(2015), Procedural Metacognition and false belief understanding in 3-to 5-year-old children. Procedural Metacognition data
  11. Bernard, S., Proust, J. Clément, F. (2015). Four- to 6-year-old Children’s Sensitivity to Reliability versus Consensus in the Endorsement of Object Labels. Child Development. 86(4):1112-1124. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12366. Penultimate version: Reliability versus consensus.
  12. Paulus, M., Tsalas, N., Proust, J., & Sodian, B. (2014). Metacognitive monitoring of oneself and others: Developmental changes in childhood and adolescence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 122, 153-165.pdf
  13. Bernard, S., Proust, J., & Clément, F. (2014). The medium helps the message: Early sensitivity to auditory fluency in children’s endorsement of statements. Frontiers in Psychology, December 2014 | Vol. 5 | Article 1412, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01412. pdf
  14. Paulus, M., Proust, J. and Sodian, B. (2013). Examining implicit metacognition in 3.5-year-old children: an eye-tracking and pupillometric study. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:145. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00145. pdf

Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience

  1. Tsalas, N. R., Müller, B. C., Meinhardt, J., Proust, J., Paulus, M., & Sodian, B. (2018). An ERP Study on Metacognitive Monitoring Processes in Children. Brain research, 1695, 84-90. Tsalas et al.
  2. Müller, B.C.N., Tsalas, N.R.H., van Schie, H.T., Meinhardt, J., Proust, J. , Sodian, B. & Paulus, M. (2016). Neural Correlates of Judgments of Learning – An ERP Study on Metacognition. Brain Research, 1652, 170-177. Müller et al. 2016
  3. Jacquot, A., Eskenazi, T. Sales-Wuillemin, E. Montalan, B., Proust, J. Grèzes, J. & Conty, L. (2015). Sources unreliability decreases but does not cancel the impact of social information on metacognitive evaluations. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, article 1385. Jacquot et al. 2015
  4. Eskenazi, T.,Montalan, B., Jacquot, A.,  Proust, J., Grèzes, J. & Conty, L. (2016). Social Influences on metacognitive Evaluations: the power of non-verbal cues. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.  PDF (penultimate version)
  5. Loussouarn, A. Gabriel, D. & Proust, J. 2011, Exploring the informational sources of metaperception: the case of Change Blindness Blindness,Consciousness and Cognition, 20: 1489–1501.
  6. Daprati, E., Franck, N., Georgieff, N., Proust, J., Pacherie, E., Dalery, J. & Jeannerod, M., (1997), Looking for the agent, an investigation into self-consciousness and consciousness of the action in schizophrenic patients, Cognition. Vol. 65,  71- 86. pdf

 Pédagogie et métacognition

  1.  Proust, J. (à paraître). Comment combattre l’effet des stéréotypes sociaux sur l’envie d’apprendre? Les Cahiers Pédagogiques.  Proust 2019 Cahiers pedagogiques