- Philosophy of Mind: Metacognition, emotion and agency, animal cognition
- Developmental Psychology: metacognition in children
- Experimental Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience of Metacognition
- Pédagogie et métacognition
Philosophy of Mind: Metacognition, emotion and agency, animal cognition
- Proust, J. (2023), Evolutionary Linguistic Theory, Informational communication and metacognition.ELT PROUST evol of mc
- Proust, J. (2023), Evolutionary Linguistic Theory, Editor’s introduction: What can metacognition teach us about the evolution of communication? ELT INTRODUCTION Proust
- Proust, J. (2024) Affordances from a control viewpoint, in Mind in Action: Expanding the concept of affordance; Guest edited by P. Lopez Silva and M. Jorba in Philosophical Psychology, Volume 37, pp.1590-1614. Affordances
- Goupil, L. & Proust, J. (2023), Curiosity as a metacognitive feeling. Cognition. 231, 105325 Goupil Proust 2023
- Proust, J. (2022). The Cultural Evolution of Information Seeking. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 22, 467-484. JOCC Proust
- Proust, J. (2019). From comparative studies to interdisciplinary research on metacognition. Animal Cognition and Behavior, 6, 4, 309-328. AB_C_2019_Vol6(4)_Proust
- Proust, J. (2016). The evolution of communication and metacommunication in primates. Mind and Language, 31, 2, 177-203. Proust-2016-Mind_&_Lg
- Proust, J. (2015). The representational structure of feelings. in T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (eds.), OpenMind, Frankfurt am Main: pdf. The whole collection: www.open-mind.net.
- Proust, J. (2015). Time and action: Impulsivity, habit, strategy? In The Review of Philosophy and Psychology.ISSN 1878-5158, doi:10.1007/s13164-014-0224-1. pdf
- Proust, J. (2014). Précis of Philosophy of Metacognition. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 89, 3, 703-709. DOI: 10.1111/phpr.12152.pdf
- Proust, J. (2014). Replies to Langland-Hassan, Nagel and Smith. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 89, 3, 736-755. DOI: 10.1111/phpr.12151 pdf
- Proust, J. (2014). Epistemic action, extended knowledge and metacognition, in O. Palermos, J. Kallestrup & D. Pritchard (eds.), Philosophical Issues, Vol. 24, No. 1, 364-392. pdf
- Proust, J. (2012). The norms of acceptance. In B. Roeber and E. Villanueva (eds.), Action theory, Philosophical Issues, Vol. 22, 316-333.
- Proust, J. (2012).La sociologie peut-elle ignorer la phylogenèse de l’esprit? SociologieS, Revue en ligne.
- Proust, J. (2011). Cognitive Enhancement, Human Evolution and Bioethics, 2011, Journal international de bioéthique, vol. 23, n° 3-4, 149-169.
- Proust, J. (2010). Metacognition. Philosophy Compass, 2010, 5, 11, 989-998.
- Proust, J. (2009). Overlooking metacognitive feelings, Behavior and Brain Sciences,2009, 32,1, 158-9.
- Proust, J. (2009). On Indicative Conditionals and Rationality in the Wason Task, Psyche, 15, 1, 132-6.
- Proust, J. (2008). Epistemic agency and metacognition: an externalist view, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, CVIII, 3, 241-268.
- Proust, J. (2008). La métacognition comme contrôle de soi. Psychiatrie, Sciences Humaines, Neurosciences, 6, 1, 31-37.
- Proust, J. (2008). Précis et réponse à la disputatio, sur la Nature de la Volonté (2005), Philosophiques, 35, 8, 2008, 109-117.
- Proust, J. (2007). Metacognition and metarepresentation : is a self-directed theory of mind a precondition for metacognition ? Synthese, 2007, 2, 271-295.
- Proust, J. (2007). Le langage forme-t-il une condition nécesssaire de la rationalité? Dialogue, 46, 1, 165-172.
- Proust, J. (2006). Why evolution has to matter to cognitive psychology and to philosophy of mind, Biological Theory, 1, 4, 349-351.
- Proust, J. (2003). Does metacognition necessarily involve metarepresentation? Behavior and Brain Sciences, 2003, 26, 3 : 352.
- Proust, J. (2003). Thinking of oneself as the same, Consciousness and Cognition, 2003, 12, 4, 495-509.
- Proust, J. (2002). A critical review of G.Lynn Stephens & G. Graham’s When self-consciousness breaks, Philosophical Psychology, vol. 15, 4, 2002, 543-550.
- Proust, J. (2001). A plea for mental acts, Synthese, 2001, 129, 105-128.
- Proust, J. (2000). L’animal intentionnel, (2000), Terrains, 34, 23-3.
- Proust, J. (2000). Les conditions de la connaissance de soi, (2000), Philosophiques, 27, 1, 161-186. Pdf
- Proust, J. (2000). La cognition animale et l’éthique, Le Débat, 108, 175-183.
- Proust, J. (2000).Can non-human primates read minds?, Philosophical Topics, 27, 1, 203-232.
- Indexes for action, in Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Neurosciences, 1999, 3, 321-345.
- Proust, J. (1999). Mind, space and objectivity in non-human animals, Erkenntnis, 51, 1, 41-58.
- Proust, J. (1996). Identité personnelle et pathologie de l’action, in I. Joseph et J. Proust (dirs.), La Folie dans la Place, Pathologies de l’interaction, Raisons Pratiques, 7, 155-176.
- Proust, J. (1995) Intentionality and evolution, Behavioural Processes, 35, 1-3, 1995, pp. 275-286.
Developmental Psychology: metacognition in children,
- Goupil, L. & Proust, J. (to appear in 2023), Curiosity as a metacognitive feeling. Cognition. Goupil & Proust 2023
- Kim, S. Senju, A., Sodian, B, Paulus, M., Itakura, S.,Okuno, A., Ueno, M. & Proust, J. (2022) « Memory Monitoring and Control in Japanese and German Preschoolers », Memory and Cognition.
- Kim, S., Le Guen, O., Sodian, B., Proust, J. (2021) « Are children sensitive to what they know? An insight fromYucatec Mayan children, Journal of Cognition and Culture, 21, 226-242.Are children sensitive to what they know?pdf
- Kim, S., Sodian, B., Paulus, M., Senju, A., Okuno, A., Ueno, M., Itakura, S. & Proust, J. ( 2020). Metacognition and Mindreading in young children, a cross-cultural study, Consciousness and Cognition, 85, 103017
- Kim, S., Sodian, B., Proust, J. ( 2020). 12- and 24-Month-Old Infants’ Search Behavior Under Informational Uncertainty. Frontiers in Psychology. Open download at: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00566
- Kim, S., Paulus, M., Sodian, B., Proust, J. (2020). Children’s Prior Experiences of their Successes and Failures Modulate Belief Alignment. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. PDF
- Kim, S., Paulus, M., Sodian, B., Itakura, S., Ueno, M., Senju, A. & Proust, J. (2018) Selective Learning and Teaching among Japanese and German Children. Developmental Psychology. Pre-proof version:Dev_Psych_Final_08252017
- Kim, S., Paulus, M., Sodian, B., & Proust, J. (2016). Young Children’s Sensitivity to Their Own Ignorance in Informing Others. PloS one, 11(3), e0152595. PLOS ONE: Informing Others
- Bernard, S., Proust, J., & Clément, F. (2015). Procedural Metacognition and False Belief Understanding in 3-to 5-Year-Old Children. PloS one, 10(10), e0141321. Procedural Metacognition and False Belief Understanding in 3- to 5-Year-Old Children
- Bernard, S., Proust, J. Clément, F.(2015), Procedural Metacognition and false belief understanding in 3-to 5-year-old children. Procedural Metacognition data
- Bernard, S., Proust, J. Clément, F. (2015). Four- to 6-year-old Children’s Sensitivity to Reliability versus Consensus in the Endorsement of Object Labels. Child Development. 86(4):1112-1124. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12366. Penultimate version: Reliability versus consensus.
- Paulus, M., Tsalas, N., Proust, J., & Sodian, B. (2014). Metacognitive monitoring of oneself and others: Developmental changes in childhood and adolescence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 122, 153-165.pdf
- Bernard, S., Proust, J., & Clément, F. (2014). The medium helps the message: Early sensitivity to auditory fluency in children’s endorsement of statements. Frontiers in Psychology, December 2014 | Vol. 5 | Article 1412, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01412. pdf
- Paulus, M., Proust, J. and Sodian, B. (2013). Examining implicit metacognition in 3.5-year-old children: an eye-tracking and pupillometric study. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:145. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00145. pdf
Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience
- Tsalas, N. R., Müller, B. C., Meinhardt, J., Proust, J., Paulus, M., & Sodian, B. (2018). An ERP Study on Metacognitive Monitoring Processes in Children. Brain research, 1695, 84-90. Tsalas et al.
- Müller, B.C.N., Tsalas, N.R.H., van Schie, H.T., Meinhardt, J., Proust, J. , Sodian, B. & Paulus, M. (2016). Neural Correlates of Judgments of Learning – An ERP Study on Metacognition. Brain Research, 1652, 170-177. Müller et al. 2016
- Jacquot, A., Eskenazi, T. Sales-Wuillemin, E. Montalan, B., Proust, J. Grèzes, J. & Conty, L. (2015). Sources unreliability decreases but does not cancel the impact of social information on metacognitive evaluations. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, article 1385. Jacquot et al. 2015
- Eskenazi, T.,Montalan, B., Jacquot, A., Proust, J., Grèzes, J. & Conty, L. (2016). Social Influences on metacognitive Evaluations: the power of non-verbal cues. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. PDF (penultimate version)
- Loussouarn, A. Gabriel, D. & Proust, J. 2011, Exploring the informational sources of metaperception: the case of Change Blindness Blindness,Consciousness and Cognition, 20: 1489–1501.
- Daprati, E., Franck, N., Georgieff, N., Proust, J., Pacherie, E., Dalery, J. & Jeannerod, M., (1997), Looking for the agent, an investigation into self-consciousness and consciousness of the action in schizophrenic patients, Cognition. Vol. 65, 71- 86. pdf
Pédagogie et métacognition
- Proust, J. (à paraître). Comment combattre l’effet des stéréotypes sociaux sur l’envie d’apprendre? Les Cahiers Pédagogiques. Proust 2019 Cahiers pedagogiques